St Kilda Community Housing would like to celebrate the achievements & hard work of Harry, who has retired from St Kilda Community Housing after 24 years.
Harry remembers starting his journey at St Kilda Community Housing when the organisation was run out of a tiny space below a stairwell which is now one of SCH bedsits. He recalls working in the time of Jeff Lyons and John Broderick and John Enticott, and marvelled at how so much could work could be done from such a tiny space!
Harry can recall many a story from working at this organisation, from the peaceful days at the lovely Seaside property to a police seige he encountered on his way to work on Brighton Road- many years ago.
Harry praises the work of the staff at SCH and feels it’s not a an easy job and takes courage and heart. Harry plans to keep busy in his retirement and we hope he will stay in touch. Harry left with a retirement party in the office and a beautiful lemon tree which was thoughtfully chosen by Lily our HR and Compliance Mananger.